In every walk of life , competition is a must these days. However, actually winning a real competition and holding a trophy has a different kind of thrill. For the young people, football trophies hold a special place since the sense of achievement is somehow reinstated more strongly. That does not mean that those who do not get trophies to hold are not gifted, but the medals and awards somehow bears testimony to the fact that one is indeed the best and this can be a huge moral booster to do well later in life. So as elders , if anyone is organizing any special event, then trophies and awards can be a huge advantage.
Trophies and awards are given on a number of occasions and the competitions that take place in school, colleges and in the state level are designed with a great deal of care. If the competition is a stand alone one, then one can choose from the many designs that are usually put on display. However , if there is a special motto associated with it, then it might have to be especially designed.
It should also be said that the size or the price of the trophy is not important- its value far exceeds the material consequences. However, one might want to show how grand and important the event was and a gloriously designed trophy is the best way to show it off. The name of the event, date of organization , name of the winner etc are a few things that should be on the trophy.
So with trophies and awards, it is possible to enhance the youngster’s interest in certain fields of life. It does not mean necessarily mean that they will not face any more competition later in life, but they will definitely be more confident about facing them. It is usually wise to locate the exhaust fans near the area where heat-producing machinery is found in the industrial building. This has the very practical advantage of exhausting this superheated air near its source and preventing a heat build-up in other areas. If side wall locations are to be utilized for air intake or exhaust, it is desirable to consider the prevailing wind direction during the summer season. If the ventilation system can be oriented to take advantage of prevailing winds , the efficiency of the system may be increased considerably, Systems that incorporate roof exhausters are usually not affected by a prevailing wind.
Where air velocity is the critical factor in a breeze conditioning system, use of the "long dimension" of the building or room is highly desirable. By moving air through the long dimension, the cross-sectional area is reduced and less air volume is required to obtain the needed air velocity. A vital element in the successful breeze conditioning system is a supply of clean , cooler, fresh air. While such an ideal air supply may not be available, common sense dictates that air being supplied into the building should be from the best available source. Avoid recirculating air that has just been exhausted from the building or another nearby structure.
The noise level in most commercial and industrial buildings has become a highly critical matter. Although the ventilating equipment is only one item in the overall total, its effect should be carefully considered. If the normal noise level in the building is low , the noise level of the ventilating equipment should be low; if the background noise level is high, the amount of noise added by the ventilation system may be insignificant.
The greatest economy that can result from good planning is a breeze conditioning system that achieves its basic purpose. If it does not do the job for which it was designed, then no economy has been achieved. Here are a number of other ways in which good planning can result in substantial savings. Frequently, exhaust fans are obtained and installed to serve a specific need. In many cases , no consideration is given to a method of coordinating this equipment. Process fans may be competing with general exhaust fans; loading doors or windows may be 1cft open needlessly and "short circuit" an otherwise integrated system.
A common problem in the average plant is "air starvation". Exhaust systems throughout the structure may have been well designed for their intended purpose. However, no consideration may have been given to the replacement of exhaust air. As a result, the building may be under severe negative pressure. This situation reduces the efficiency of the exhaust fans and produces unhealthy and uncomfortable working conditions. Substantial economy and efficiency can be obtained by correcting this situation through the use of supply fans or "make-up air" units. Many buildings have adequate exhaust and supply fans to provide a comfortable environment for the occupants. Unfortunately, there may be little control over the distribution of the air to produce the desired results. Good planning will recognize the necessity for proper air distribution and circulation through the occupied areas of the building. Suitable deflectors and baffles can be incorporated where needed. "Booster fans" or air circulators can be positioned to take care of trouble spots and augment the direction and velocity of the air flow. Diffusers may be required lo assist in air distribution. Drafts and dead spots can thus be eliminated. All of these are inexpensive aids that can ensure that a well planned system will achieve its important objectives.
For additional information please refer to http:canadablower.