It is very important to market yourself via business cards. You should be making a conscious effort to hand out ten per day at the very least. Have them on you at all times Cheap Air Max 97 , and keep a supply in your car just in case. When doing business with someone, don't give them just one business card, give them two, and ask them to refer someone to you.
2. Mailers and Reminders
Keep a tickler file handy on all of your customers birthdays, kids birthdays, and anniversaries. Send them a card to wish them well on their special occasion. They won't be expecting it Cheap Air Max 96 , making them all the more appreciative, it also keeps you in their thoughts, reminding them that they know a mortgage specialist that they can refer should the topic ever arise. It also gives you a reason to send out more business cards and keep them circulating. Remember, the average home owner refinances, or purchases on average every three years, so it is important to stay in front of your customer.
3. Phone Numbers
Giving your phone number to your customer seems obvious Cheap Air Max 95 , but it is equally important to give them your cellular phone number as well as your work number, and let them know that they can feel free to call you at any time, this will personalize the relationship you have with your customer and give them a comfort zone where they feel as though they can really trust you.
4. Become Active
Become active in local organizations and charities, here are a few examples:
? Chamber of Commerce ? Rotary ? Lions Club ? Networking Groups ? Church ? Local Youth Athletic Associations
5. Apparel
Wear your company's logo, It doesn't hurt to have a few polos or dress shirts in your wardrobe with your company logo on it for attending special events or just going out to lunch, lets face it Cheap Air Max 93 , it's free advertising, and it shows that you take pride in the company that you work for.
6. Body Language
Your body language can speak volumes. Always smile when it's appropriate, and speak clearly and slowly so that people will understand you. Eye contact is also very important when talking to people, it lets your client know that you are very confident in what you do, and that you believe in what you are saying. It is also important to be empathetic when appropriate as well, sometimes it is better to listen than to speak. Not everybody is in the ideal situation Cheap Air Max 90 , so it is important that you understand where they are coming from, and exactly what they will need.
7. Tag Lines
When your answer the phone, make sure you answer it in a professional manner and state your name. You can also add a tag line promoting a product or promotion. Here are a few examples.
? Hello, thank you for calling XYZ Mortgage Company, this is John Doe, how may I help you?
? Hello Cheap Air Max 720 , thank you for calling XYZ Mortgage Company, this is John Doe, have you heard about our interest only loans?
8. Partnerships
Partner up with a few Realtors in you area, this way you can attend their open houses, this is a great way to make contacts and make people aware of all the programs you have available. Remember to be prepared with plenty of business cards and literature.
9. Product Knowledge
This is perhaps one of the most important marketing tools that you can posses. It is so important to have the ability to be able to speak off the cuff when asked about a particular product. It sends a clear message to the customer that you know what you are talking about, and the better you know the product the more confident you will be. Remember Cheap Air Max 360 , your client is considering perhaps the biggest financial decision they will ever make, they need to trust you and believe in you! Take ten minutes out of every day to learn some of the benefits of the programs your company offers. You'll be surprised at how quickly you become an expert.
10. Show them your appreciation
Over the course of the loan process, it is fair to say that you have built a very good relationship with your customer, and like all relationships you want this one to last. Once the loan is closed, take the time to thank them by sending them something to let them know that you appreciate their business.
It could be a thank you card, or a small care package.
My suggestion would be to send them a small care package Cheap Air Max 270 , preferably to their work place, this way, all of their fellow employees will want to know who sent it and why, this is a great way to get them talking about you, which could easily lead to lots of referrals.
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